Methodological alternative for volleyball technic tactical preparation

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Tania Rosa García Hernández
Luis Manuel Barrera Pardo
José Trabanco Fonte


At the moment, the humanity has travelled an impressive road. The man, that thousands of years ago used to obtain the existence means with primitive stone instruments that horrified him and used to invoke to God before any natural phenomenon, has penetrated in the world of the micro and macrocosms, and has created admirable works in all the aspects of the life. Besides, he has built and transformed many things in search of the truth and through the development of the science; however, the most important thing is that he has demonstrated that his creative possibilities and intellectuals are unlimited. The sport and the physical culture as part of the human creation have also to travel long road influenced by the development of the technology and the science. In order to contextualize these aspects we will go into the concepts of science and technology given by different authors. The present article offers a methodological alternative proposal for the improvement of the technical tactical evaluation of the volleyball base practitioners' during the process of training starting from a reorganization of the technical tactical indicators of the game, it has implicit the understanding of the structural elements of the volleyball game that allow to readjust in an integrated way the technical tactical elements for its evaluation during the process of training and its behaviour in the competition.


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How to Cite
García Hernández, T. R., Barrera Pardo, L. M., & Trabanco Fonte, J. (2014). Methodological alternative for volleyball technic tactical preparation. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 9(3), 253–264. Retrieved from


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