Assimilation of statistical techniques: a necessity in the formation of the Physical Culture and Sports professional/Asimilación de técnicas estadística: necesidad en la formación del profesional de Cultura Física y Deporte
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The mastery of statistical techniques represents numerous benefits by virtue of the formation of competent professionals. In the field of Physical Culture and Sport, it acquires greater significance due to its applicability in the four graduate profiles, hence the importance of the assimilation of this science in the formation process of its professionals. The objective of this study was to determine the state of assimilation of statistical techniques in the training of Physical Culture and Sport professionals in Cuba. The research required the use of various methods, among which the following should be mentioned: document review, surveys, a pedagogical test and methodological triangulation. Likewise, as part of the statistical methods, the empirical frequency distribution tables were used. All of them made it possible to determine the level at which the state of assimilation of statistical techniques in the formation of these professionals was framed, as well as the teachers' knowledge of learning strategies, as a crucial result of the research. With the identification of the most influential elements in this problem, the need and importance of implementing actions in the scientific, teaching and methodological work system to improve the levels of assimilation of this science is confirmed.
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