Status of former athletes in situations of physical-motor disability: the need for sports detraining
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Sports detraining is an essential process to guarantee a smooth transition for former athletes from a prolonged period of sports life to a post-sports life. In this sense, the objective of the research was to determine the current state of the detraining process of former athletes in situations of physical-motor disability, in the province of El Oro. For the study, through simple random sampling, eight former athletes in situations of physical-motor disability were selected. Former athletes have an average experience in the sports field of 8.38 (± 4.92) years. There was also interaction with coaches, Physical Education teachers, doctors, psychologists, family members and managers. Surveys were administered to all participants in the study, and anthropometric, medical, laboratory and functional tests were administered only to former athletes. Among the results obtained, it was possible to identify that there are limitations to face detraining as a training, pedagogical and social process, that retired athletes do not have sufficient information about this process and have a lack of significant projects, which is why it is revealed the need to design a detraining process, tailored to their specific needs.
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