Diagnosis of the integral development of the sportsmen of Villa Clara: an urgent need
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The sport practice has spread in mass in the province of Villa Clara, starting from the base level, until the high performance, which will guarantee the continuity of the results of the sport in the territory. The province of Villa Clara historically occupied the second position in school games, youth and social sports nationwide, however, the development achieved by other provinces and the need to continue increasing the ranks of national teams, demand the use of the science and technology and scientific-technical information, which allow us to remain in the world elite in many of the sports practiced in the country, ensuring the integral formation of athletes, which is a priority of the Fiscal Education, Sport and Recreation National Institute (Inder), as well as a work objective. For all the above there is a need to conduct a study on the development of athletes in Villa Clara, for which methods are used at the theoretical level as well as the empirical level. Among which are: inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional, analytic-synthetic, the measurement, the questionnaire, the interview, psychological technical documental analysis, analysis biomechanics and statistical-mathematical. The study allows detecting weaknesses that constitute a starting point for the integrated development of athletes.
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