System of Integrative Teaching Tasks to promote interdisciplinary of the professional of Physical Culture
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The performance of the Physical Culture professional in the base link in Cuba requires a solid interdisciplinary formation that the university as a training entity must propitiate; however, the desired levels are not reached in this aspect. In view of this affirmation, the objective of this research is to propose integrative teaching tasks to favor interdisciplinarity in the process of formation of the Bachelor in Physical Culture, from the subject Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, which is of great importance as an appropriate way to conduct the formation with an interdisciplinary character in the University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sport "Manuel Fajardo". For this purpose, the following methods were used: synthetic analytic, deductive inductive, documentary analysis. The results were evaluated through the statistical packages SPSS v. 20 and Epidat v. 4.2, and Wilcoxon's nonparametric docima, which allowed the elaboration of twenty integrative teaching tasks, which were validated as a result of the criteria of thirty experts and constitute an alternative solution to the problem revealed in the research. It was corroborated through a pre-pedagogical experiment carried out in the third year of the 2017-2018 academic year.
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