The objective in Physical Education classes and in sports training sessions
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When assessing the results of several school years (2015-2019) in the field of Sport and Physical Education, difficulties related to the development of the classes were identified, associated with the lack of preparation of teachers to select, formulate and control the objectives, which was assumed by the Municipal Physical Education Commission of the Sports Directorate as a problem to be solved; based on this budget, the task of investigating the causes that determine such problems was assumed. It was identified, through the application of observation, documentary analysis, survey and interview, that there are deficiencies in the preparation of teachers and coaches that prevent them from assuming this technical element and that limit the achievement of the quality of the activities taught. That is why the objective of this article is to propose methodological guidelines to improve the selection, formulation and control of objectives in Physical Education classes and sports training sessions. The results achieved demonstrated that it is possible to achieve the preparation of teachers and sports coaches based on the proposed objective and thus raise the quality and results of student learning, which is essential for the fulfillment of the social role assigned in this field to the Municipal Directorates of Education and Sports.
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