Published: 2024-03-18

Muscular strength work in the care of Sarcopenia in older adults

Elizabeth Clara Méndez Fernández., Bergelino Zaldívar Pérez, Israel Rodríguez González, Yusimil Ramos Quian


Methodology for teaching-learning futsal adapted for students with visual disability

Joseph Miguel Coello Morales, Christian Alonso Arreaga Campoverde, Giorver Pérez Iribar, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Development of basic motor skills in children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, in Physical Education

Rubén Castillejo Olan, Erika Alejandra Avilés Bohórquez, Angela Monserrate Álava Briones, Antonio Ricardo Rodríguez Vargas


Labor Gymnastics Program for metallurgical manual shapers

Sandra Guillén Prieto, Miguel Ángel Ávila Solis , Rigoberto Pastor Sánchez Figueredo


Contemporary dance from corporal expression as an inclusion strategy for students with multiple disabilities

Laura Janett Cedeño Andrade, Pilar del Rocío Segura Osorio, Orlando Patricio Romero Ibarra, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Orientation walking, a way to improve cognitive function in the elderly

Alina Bestard Revilla, Liudmila Hernandez Soutelo , Rafael Fuentes Jordán, Ayren Lidia Jarque Nieto


Set of nutritional recommendations to develop dietary strategies in athletes

Fausto Guillermo Ballesteros Saltos, Elizabeth del Rocío Falcones Barbosa, Cristian Oliver Calderçon Palomino, Vilma Viviana García Caicedo, Jordy Joe Murillo Falcones


Management of professional pedagogical ability in students of the bachelor´s Degree in Physical Culture

Beatriz Bravo Morejón, Beatriz Bravo Morejón , Yudelkis López Quiñones , Marta Cañizares Hernández , Karina Denisse Miguel Torres
