Playfulness: an alternative in the training of the university student of Physical Culture

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Alberto Barroso Arzuaga
Asunción Milagros Pérez Mariño
Alina Bestard Revilla


The present research addresses the importance of play in the university student of Physical Culture from the training process, which requires achieving high levels of knowledge and skills. From this perspective, the process of play is analyzed as an essential component in the initial training of the Physical Culture professional. Through play, training is more appropriate to the current university context according to the changes in the study plans, which is why a diagnosis of said component is necessary. The article had the purpose of creating pedagogical actions for the playful training of the Physical Culture professional, from the Rhythmic and Ludic Education subject of the discipline Theory and Practice of Physical Education. Theoretical methods were applied such as: analytical -synthetic, systemic-structural-functional, and empirical methods, such as: observation, documentary review, interview, survey, pre-experiment (prest and post-test) and expert judgment. Seven professors were consulted as experts, so a sample of 27 third-year students was used for having received the subject. As a result of the study and diagnosis carried out, insufficiencies were detected in the employment and use of play within the training process to achieve playful training and the need to transform the mode of action of the Physical Culture professionals, the results obtained in pedagogical practice demonstrated the usefulness of playful pedagogical actions.


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How to Cite
Barroso Arzuaga, A., Pérez Mariño, A. M., & Bestard Revilla, A. (2023). Playfulness: an alternative in the training of the university student of Physical Culture. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 18(3), e1325. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Alberto Barroso Arzuaga, Universidad de Oriente, Facultad de Cultura Física de Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Profesor de Gimnasia Básica


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