In favor of a virtual Physical Education in times of COVID

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Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco
Javier Marcelo Otañez Enríquez
Susana Paz Viteri
Norma Amabilia Ortiz Bravo
Luis Fernando Xavier Núñez Sotomayor


The Sars-Cov-2 virus has inevitably caused the Covid-19 disease. It has been one of the worst news that has happened to humanity at the beginning of the 21st century. The material damage and loss of human life has been significant, as well as the collateral effects from the social and psychological point of view. In response to contain or counteract these high affectations, various areas of knowledge and human activity are activated, multiplying and creating new mitigation strategies. One of the areas that has contributed the most during the quarantine periods and after it, is the area of Physical Culture, sports and specifically the didactics of Physical Education. The aim of this work is to systematize a group of scientific publications referred to physical activity, sport and Physical Education in times of COVID, focused on the virtual environment and the use of ICTs. With this study, it is intended to carry out an analysis of the main positions of the authors in order to obtain a criterion about the potentialities of virtual Physical Education to face the COVID-19 attacks. Together with this periodization, a group of methodological recommendations will be added, aimed at perfecting the work of Physical Education teachers with the use of ICTs in these exceptional moments that humanity is going through.


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How to Cite
Posso Pacheco, R. J., Otañez Enríquez, J. M., Paz Viteri, S., Ortiz Bravo, N. A., & Núñez Sotomayor, L. F. X. (2020). In favor of a virtual Physical Education in times of COVID. PODIUM - Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, 15(3), 705–716. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Javier Marcelo Otañez Enríquez, Unidad Educativa Liceo Policial

Magister en Docencia Universitaria, docente

Susana Paz Viteri, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Magister en Cultura Física y entrenamiento deportivo, Docente

Norma Amabilia Ortiz Bravo, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Máster en Recreación Docente

Luis Fernando Xavier Núñez Sotomayor, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Doctor Médico Deportólogo Docente


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