Published: 2024-01-14

Methodology to increase reaction speed during self-defense in cadets

Raúl Soto Alayo, Reinaldo Castro Cisnero, Eutimio Armela Suárez, Reynaldo Juan Estrada Cingualbres


Sport detraining in boxing

Braulio José Alarcón Ramírez, Graciela Ramos Romero, Noralmis Frómeta Moreira, Bernardo Jeffers Duarte


Status of former athletes in situations of physical-motor disability: the need for sports detraining

Borys Bismark Leon-Reyes, Reynaldo Juan Estrada Cingualbres, Daniel David Hechavarria Cardero, Alina Bestard Revilla, Danilo Hechavarria-Reyes


Psychological benefits of practicing fencing at an early age, in the province of Artemisa

Yordamia Leon Santana, Niurys Almora Carrasco, Marlene Colombé Echenique, Islay Pérez Martínez, Mercedes Estupiñán Gonzáles


Formation of metrological culture from the potential of sports and Physical Education

Tebelio Herrera Basabe, Juan José Hernández Casas, Rafael Antonio Hernández–Cruz Pérez, Lizmary Feriz Otaño


Methodology for the treatment of the contents of Field Hockey category 11-12 years

Yerenis Sarahis Tamayo Rodríguez, Bernardo Jeffers Duarte, Elsa Sivila Jiménez, Guillermo Houari Mesa Briñas, Osniel Echevarría Ramírez


Cuban women in weightlifting: a methodological perspective

Orielvis Ferrer Carrasco, Noelsis Pupo-Gé, Helmer Antonio Méndez Infante, Adael La O-Trutié


The vocational orientacion in the School Sport Initiation School

Osniel Echevarrìa Ramirez, Yerenis Sarahis Tamayo Rodríguez, Guillermina Zaldívar Cordón, Aldo Jeffers Duarte, Guillermo Houari Mesa Briñas


The personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, at the stage of basic perfection

Osbiel Rodríguez Domínguez, Benjamín Blas Thorfe Blanco, Carlos Agustín Pupo Almira, Yenis Katia Rodríguez Labrada


Evaluation of physical condition in populations aged 6 to 14 years from Mexico and Cuba

Hermenegildo José Pila Hernández, Leidys Escalante Candeaux, Edita Madelin Aguilar Rodríguez, María Magdalena Deschapelles Brunét


Activities to implement the pre-sports game through the combination of handball - football in university students

Romario Javier Morcillo-Valencia, Elizabeth del Rocío Falcones Barbosa, Andrea Abad Arroyo, Antonio Andrés López Proaño , Jordy Joe Murillo Falcones


Life Task in Physical Education from Sports for All

Urbano Blas Rodríguez Martínez, Amelia Domínguez Ventura, Yusnier Rodríguez Ramírez


Digital competencies of Physical Education teachers to reduce student stress through project-based entrepreneurship

José Iván Llatas Lozano, David De la Cruz Montoya, Anita Esther Romero Mestanza, Teresa de Jesús Campana Añasco, Nelly Dioses Lescano


Tactics as an essential foundation in the soccer player´s preparation process

Pablo Elier Sanchez Salgado, Modesta Moreno Iglesia, Luis René Quetglas González, Milena González Gortes


Inclusion and adaptation in Physical Education: strategies for the participation of students with disabilities

Edgar Gustavo Chuquimarca Males, Néstor Fernando Gualacata Cachimuel, Jorge Luis Serrano Aguilar, Lena Cleotilde López Orozco, Efrén Mesías Palacios Zumba


Perspectives of bioethics in sports practice: a comprehensive analysis

Deyanira Stephanie Posso Ayala, Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco, Ageda Raquel Simba Pozo, Sandra Elizabeth Simba Pozo


PPGarden, an initiative to improve nutrition in athletes

Fernando Emilio Valladares Fuente, Ximena Patricia León Quinapallo, Edgar Vicente Lima Neira
